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- Slider break : When the cursor goes off of the slider for a tick or more (not at the very end, or else it's a slide off and only loses 1 combo).
- Miss : When a single note is never hit (either cursor didn't get to it or the key wasn't pressed).
- FC or Full combo : When the player neither Slider breaks nor Misses.
- * or Star Rating: Star rating is the in-game measure of difficulty. Ranked songs are currently between 1-8*, and most are between 2* and 5*. I play about 4.2*-5.5* :).
- Shigetora : Cookiezi's account name on twitch.
- Unranked : This means that the map has not been approved by the Quality Assurance Team, and thus does not give performance points or have an online leaderboard.
- Ranked : This means that the map has been tweaked by other players, qualified by 2 Beatmap Nominators, and had everything about it checked by the Quality Assurance Team. Then and only then does it have an online leaderboard and give performance points. The ranking process is a long and tedious process that usually takes months and the participation of dozens.
- Mod : Short for modification, these options change the difficulty of the map in their own ways and have a score multiplier as reward or penalty.
- Free mod : No specific modifications for chosen plays.
- DT or Double Time : This modification mainly makes the map and song 50% faster and gives a 1.12x score multiplier.
- HR or Hard Rock : This modification mainly makes the approach rate faster and the circle size smaller. It gives a 1.06x score multiplier.
- EZ or Easy : This modification makes the circle size larger and the approach rate slower. It gives a .50x score multiplier.
- FL or Flashlight : This modification greatly limits the area that you can see around your cursor, forcing you to memorize the map. It gives a 1.12x score multiplier.
- HD or Hidden : This modification removes the approach circle and makes the note disappear shortly after appearing, so you have to track where they were. It gives a 1.06x score multiplier.
- Approach Rate : A measurement of how quickly the approach circle reaches the note. The approach circle is the ring around a note that closes in until it reaches the white border and you have to click.
- Map : Short for beatmap, this is the general term for the collection of notes, sliders, and timing for a song. Each map in a "mapset" is known as it's own "difficulty" in reference to classifications like Easy, Normal, or Hard maps.
- Combo : A combo is the amount of "beats" or "ticks" that the play has hit without missing. Each note contains one tick, and sliders contain multiple ticks.
- pp or Performance Points : Every player in osu! has a "ranking" in respect to other players to form a global leaderboard. Your position in the leaderboard is determined by the amount of Performance Points you have compared to everyone else. The amount of performance points a map gives is determined by its difficulty, the harder it is the more pp (though it's not entirely accurate). How much pp each play gives you to determine your ranking is scaled by a percentage where your highest pp play gives you 100% of it, and each one below gives lower and lower percentages until it reaches 1% and 0%.
- Letter grade/rank : Not necessarily meaning anything, each play is given a letter grade/rank based on the % of notes that were hit perfectly timed (from now on known as 300's because that's how much base score it gives). SS grade means 100% of notes were 300's, S means at least 90% of notes were 300's and no misses, A means that at least 80% of notes were 300's and no misses OR at least 90% of notes were 300's but there were misses, B means at least 70% of notes were 300's and no misses OR at least 80% of notes were 300's but with misses, C means at least 60% of notes were 300's, and D is anything below that.
- Skin : A skin is a folder containing files that customize the look of many elements through use of pictures.